Thursday, December 5, 2019
Working in Human Service Organization
Question: Discuss about the Working in Human Service Organization. Answer: Introduction The current essay revolves around the organizational practice in human service organizations. It has been identified that the workers who are employed in human service organizations have to follow a set of rules and work ethics. These rules and ethics could sometimes be vulnerable for the employees themselves. The workers in human service organization generally should adhere to the commitment to employers as well as employing organizations. The workers are supposed to enhance the employing agencys policies and procedures the efficiency and effectiveness of their services. In addition, social workers should take reasonable steps to ensure that employers are aware of the social workers ethical obligation. The people who work in human service organization tend to act to prevent as well as omit discriminations in organizations work assignment and tits employment. Therefore, it can be mentioned that employees in human service organizations have to deal with the certain pressure that arise due to the strict rules and policies. Furthermore, it has also been identified that multiple section of the code helps to identify that human service organizational work practice could produce the conflicts between the workers and the agency. These issues or the points of conflicts have long been recognized based on the profession as well as it continues to pose the challenge to the conditions and the nature of the practice. The current essay provides an essay regarding the type of duties and responsibilities, the workers tend to carry out being employed in the organizations. Likewise, the essay extends to the discussion of the major contradictory pressures that employee need to balance. The work practices are discussed with strategies related to the topic. The essay also provides an intensive discussion on the theories such as supervisions, counseling and self-care. In addition to all these, the essay incorporated a brief on psychological factors that could influence the performance in human service organizations. Background of workers in human service organizations It has been identified that human service organizations tend to employ a large number of workers kin range of capabilities job role. As put forward by Beresford (2010) four main players in complex organizations including the professional, the manger and the support workers and the leaders. This specialization is based on the understanding of thee power and this could only occur in those organizations that hire the highly skilled people. Such organization could depend on the transformation of knowledge and information. It generally classifies each of the employers in respect to the professional as well as organization competencies. The specialization could produce archetypical roles and these are present within the social work organization. While recognizing the area of the community competence, two additional players such as the volunteer and the client can be incorporated into the schema. These players may not always be the employees of the organizations, though they could receive s ome benefits for being involved in the organizational activities. Hence, the benefits come in the form services that they receive and the opportunity to gain skills. On the contrary, Corcoran and Roberts (2015) mentioned that front line workers are usually considered as being at the Coal Face of human service activities. It is observed that these are the people that have the most contact with the service users as well as who consequently have the considerable community competence. Conversely, Gabler and Hill (2015) mentioned that social as well as human service organizations tend to work with some of the most fragile as well as at risk population that could include the elderly, the homeless as well as low income families. In addition to these, the human service organization also provides the services to people with disabilities, and the people who are suffering from domestic violence. Therefore, if an organization is providing the services this type of population in need or work with or as the part, a government agency aimed at helping the less fortunate, the organization is not supposed to risk exposing the workers (Gallina, 2010). The organization is not supposed to recruit people who are with questionable character while serving these populations of people. Moreover, any such incident not only put the people in danger but also could dramatically tarnish the image of the organization. Therefore, it is necessary for the human service organization to check or identify the background of the workers who wish to work in human service organizations. The workers with many people and non-profit organizations with social as well as human service goals turn to verified volunteers for background screening. This could minimize the chances of risk and increase the quality of human services. Every organization in this particular category or the industry should think of hiring people who are characteristically clean without any criminal record. As put forward by Guerci et al., (2015), the social work and the human service workforce organization, especially in the community service industry has employed a lower percentage of the workers with post-school qualification in comparison with other workforce sector. For example, the education is aligned with health professional. Key contradictory pressures workers need to balance Human service workers need to provide a range of services aiming at enhancing victims life. Hence, the type of services they provide could vary by client group, the type of organization that hires the workers as well as their role in the agency. However, the human service workers tend to perform many of the same categories of the tasks, where they evaluate persons needs as well as create a treatment plan. However, it is observed that workers who work in human service organizations have to implement or follow certain rules and procedures that sometimes put pressure on the workers. Consequently, the employees may lose confidence and their quality of performance may decrease. Personal problem- The workers often suffer from different personal issues such as sickness, pressure of running a join family, linguistic problem, culture issues and others that could hamper the performance of the employees. As mentioned by Jeane (2013), as the organizations often maintain a diverse workforce and build a positive culture, the employees could feel sense of negativity. For example, some people may think as they belong to a different culture, they are given more priorities than others are. In addition, the some people face the difficulties of language. When the other employees in the workplace are good at communicating with people and receiving appraisal words from others, the people who lag behind in this context may keep themselves away from others. This could increase their insecurity and disaffection. While providing the human services to others, they might lack confidence. Moreover, the language barrier could be a major issue for the workers in social service organization (Ozanne Rose, 2013). For example, if the workers are supposed to deal with the people who speak a different language, they might not be able to understand the issues and find solutions. Thus, the clients may be disheartened, which could be an external burden for the employees in service organization. In addition to this, the people who find it difficult to mix with people who belong to the different culture may find their job difficult, as in social service sector, the workers are supposed to meet people who may not be from the same culture. Work life balance- People often talk about the significance of accomplishing the elusive work life balance. However, Ramos et al., (2015) commented that people are in the rush of finding the perfect balance pipe dream a wasted effort. In the era, the fast-paced workplace, most of the people are asked to do faster with limited resources. Consequently, there could be more pressure to be effective and successful. Hence, the work seems to be exemplary and life is expected to perfect with children and fulfilling personal hobbies as well as take a good care of physics. However, it is difficult for the employees to maintain this balance due to some organizational practice. Especially, when the organizations build multiple categories of rules and procedures, the employees find it difficult to cope up. In addition, in some organizations work shift are not flexible and changeable; consequently, the workers find it difficult to take care of their personal life. They eventually suffer from increased pressure and burden. In addition to this, when it come to offer the human services, the work practice could be little rigid and not changeable. In this particular sector, the employees often have to deal with the urgency or emergency situations. As the result, the issue of their personal life remains unresolved (Tablan, 2014). Organizational plan- It is observed that due to the absence of open management style in human service organization, the employees have to go through a harsh schedule of work. When the organization set some particular objective or the goals, the employees are asked to perform aligning with the goals. This could be an internal burden for the workers. Due to the autocratic leadership style in the service organization, the employees do not find comfort in sharing their personal issues with the leaders (Haynes, 2015). The workers go on performing their duties, which eventually make them stressful. As discussed earlier, in many section of the codes of work practices developed by the organization, could produce conflicts between the professional as well as the agency. As the employees are tied with the ethics, sometimes making an ethical decision may not be as simple as it is. The code of ethics provide certain guidelines and ethical behavior, which could not be simple as following the ethic x and the ethic y. this happens as the ethics are contextual. Furthermore, it is also observed that in spite of the innovations in how the service organizations are managed, the factor remains that professional practice within an organizational context may contain some irregularities, which could produce strain. As argued by Lusch and Nambisan (2015), the employee should have an unconditional loyalty to the organization and they should demonstrate a greater level of acceptance of the objective set by the organization. Notwithstanding, the employees by virtue of training as well as their ability to conduct the particular tasks, could have different priorities and style of work. Industrial relation: theory and practice- Due to the pressure from the workforce and the labor union, the government of different nations have attempted to balance flexibility with fairness as well as preserve hi-tech regulations along with the introduction of the right to the minimum wages. On the contrary, while focusing on the industrial relation, the origination could go beyond the mere descriptions to build the connection between the workplace enhancement and the change in the agency (Hasenfeld Garrow, 2012). This means the organizations would follow and implement the corporations rules and procedures but considering the workers demand and principle of faire work commission. However, in return, the organization also expects something more from the workers. Notwithstanding this could sometimes be a burden to the workers when they are not able to meet the requirement. The dialect of autonomy and the control in creative labor- It has been identified that creative labor could occupy a greater contradictory position in todays global and knowledge-based economy. Conversely, the organizations might have to keep the balance their instable need for the stream of advanced ideas with the strong imperative to control the intellectual property. Hence, the creative labors find it difficult to find the balance between the urge for self-expression and the need to earn for living. Role of conflicts- It is evident that no organization is free from the conflicts as it is unavoidable. However, the impact of organizational conflicts could depend on the ways in which it is dealt with. In human service organization, due to the array of codes and ethics, the individual may find it difficult to implement. The organizational conflicts could occur by several reasons such as communication gap among the workers, poor wage structure, unfavorable leadership style and other internal issues. As put forward by Dhar (2015), organizational conflicts sometimes could educate people by helping workers learn a lot regarding themselves and others. Thus, it can be mentioned that organizational conflicts the ability to the organization to reshape its internal culture and solve the conflicts. Differences in moral and values- As opined by Denhardt, Denhardt and Aristigueta (2015), the values are the rules based on which the people make decisions regarding the right and wrong, good and bad. Thus, what is good for the organization may not always be good for the workers as well. For example, due to the increasing competition in the industry or the growing demands of clients, the organization increases the work hours. Hence, the workers in non-profit organization may be dealing with the problems like time schedule, over burden of work, inflexibility and others. On the contrary, the morals are formed based on the inborn values but they are correlated to each other. Hence, it is advisable to talk about the business morals that may include prompt service, excellence, safety and quality. When employee expectations are not fulfilled they lag behind these morals. Strategies available Supervision-It is observed that human service agencies assist in the movement of the organization towards the goals and objectives. Hence, supervision is the technique of overseeing the operation or performance of an individual or groups. Barrett et al., (2015) opined that three different elements such as administrative, education as well as the support. It is observed administrative supervisions in human service organization are generally concerned with the effective implementation of organizational procedures as well as procedures. As human service organizations have to deal with wide range of services and activities, the supervisor of the agency needs to assist the employees to work to their abilities. The supervisor needs to ensure that organizational requirement is implemented. Counseling- It is evident that services provided by the non-profit organization incorporate the values and ethics and the agencies maintain certain standards. Therefore, the it is necessary for the agency to provide counseling to care givers as they have to take broad range of responsibilities. In addition, the workers need to be competent in providing the services. Here, the special emphasis should be given on the achievement of excellence in academic as well as professional competencies. As the responsibility, the care providers hire the people who have excellent academic records and have skills of dealing with stressful situation (Scott Davis, 2015). The workers in human service organization should have the ability to provide and maintain the quality of services in accordance with the requirement. However, while conducting such broad range of abilities, the workers may have to deal with the certain anxiety. Hence, counseling could be an effective to motivate the workers. Figure: 1 A metaphoric image of stress aced by people (Source: Scott Davis, 2015) Self-Care- it has been identified that people who work in human service agency are keen to provide the best quality of services to the clients. However, the care providers treat thee clients following a traditional way of approach such as focusing on the needs and provide remedy but today, the approach of treating the clients have been changed as people expect more. Apart from the providing clinical treatment to the clients, the employees of human service organizations provide self-care such as treating the person nicely forming a personal relationship such as friendship. Conclusion The broad discussion mentioned above helps to learn that workers in human service organizations have been improving the ways or approach of providing the services to people who are badly in need. Gone are the days, when the care providers tend to provide the treatments following the ethics and procedures; now people expect more from the person they rely on. Figure 2: An image of treating the patient (Source: Dhar, 2015) Thereby, the workers in service agency provide emotional support and treat the patients sharing the events of their life, which helps the clients to gain support. The clients may suffer from many difficulties or problems; thereby, the human service workers should routinely provide emotional support along with other forms of assistance. Hence, this care provides should form an effective working relationship to make the clients feel comfortable sharing the issues honestly and seeking for help. Reference list: Barrett, M., Davidson, E., Prabhu, J., Vargo, S. L. (2015). Service innovation in the digital age: key contributions and future directions.MIS quarterly,39(1), 135-154. Beresford, P. (2010). 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